We Provide Healthy and Delicious Food for Your Children
Each Toybox Nursery has its own purpose built well-equipped kitchen.
We strongly believe in the importance of a well balanced and nutritional diet. Lunch and tea are provided along with breakfast for the early starters.
Snacks, milk and juice are provided in addition throughout the day. The lunch includes a hot main course and a dessert. Fresh fruit and vegetables are used throughout the menus ensuring adequate provision of vitamins and minerals. All children are encouraged to drink plenty of fresh water throughout the day.
Menus are displayed in the nursery each week, and of course children who are vegetarian or who have special dietary needs can be catered for.
For the very young in our care (babies under 1 year) we also provide all baby formula milk. We are happy to provide the same milk that you use at home and will of course accommodate expressed milk.