About us

Welcome to the website for Toybox Day Nurseries. Here you will be able to find out all about us, what we do, our aims and objectives. Please go to locations on the main menu to see where we are located.

At Toybox we are dedicated to providing the finest quality childcare for children from 8 weeks to 5 years.

We encouage enthusiasm, good manners, independence and consideration for others from the children in our care.

The early years represent the most intensive period of growth and development in your child’s life.

Through play, your child can learn most effectively and effortlessly. Your child’s natural curiosity and desire to learn can be stimulated through thoughtful guidance.

Toybox is a place where children are allowed to be children, being allowed to get messy, trying out new things and learning while having lots of fun!

Toybox offers a wealth of different activities,each designed for specific areas of your child’s development. Each activity is planned to ensure it offers the potential to challenge children at different levels of development and to let them use and develop their imagination! (and children have great imaginations!).

Each Toybox nursery is well equipped with toys and play facilities, as well as its own library, and mulitmedia computer for the children in the 3 to 5’s rooms.

We Encourage Strong Links With Parents

We encouage participation by parents in nursery life. We believe it is important that staff and parents work in partnership to foster the development of children in our care.

Toybox operates a key-worker system which means that your child will be allocated to a specific member of staff in the room, helping your child to settle in quickly and to enable both you and your child to have a regular person as an immediate contact. Obviously within each room you will also get to know the Room Supervisor and other staff who will get to know you and your child.

Twice a year parents evenings are held when your child’s development and progress can be more fully discussed with your child’s key-worker.

Our policy is to keep parents totally informed and involved at all times and some of the ways that help this are:-

  • “Daily Diaries” are completed for every child, which is a written record of daily events that have taken place along with being an opportunity for you as parents to write notes back to the staff.
  • We publish regular newsletters to keep you informed of events and staff throughout the nursery.
  • We write to you about special outings to places or visits we have planned.
  • We hold parents evenings twice a year, enabling you to have a longer discussion with the staff about your child’s development.
  • We prepare regular written progress reports on your child which are shared with you at parent’s evenings.